Eat, sleep, discover, die

Writing grant proposals, reviewing grant proposals, writing papers, reviewing papers, organising symposia, attending symposia.... makes the days pass by. I can’t really complain seeing as I just came back from a week in Berlin and am now preparing for a month in Shanghai.

At the FHI-AIMS workshop in Berlin, I found that the Fritz-Haber-Institut really wasn’t what I had imagined. I had an image of German precision (glass, steel and digital clocks); instead, the place is like an old wealthy American suburb (grand elaborate mansions) except with real character. There are beautiful parks, streets named after physical chemists and an air of relaxation. At the meeting itself, progress in the FHI-AIMS code was quite impressive: electron transport, self-consistent GW, dynamic TDDFT, metadynamics are all either implemented or well on their way.

Publication update: We found that interstitial oxygen in Al2O3 exhibits a sensitive dependence on the spin and structural configuration: a singlet peroxide (dumbell) species is found to be the global minimum structure (in contrast to previous theoretical studies - it is easy to miss the ground-state if you don’t break the symmetry of the octahedral interstitial site). Chemical Physics Letters.

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April's Fool

Ben Goldacre’s Bad Science is an interesting read. It takes a few chapters to get used to his writing style, which at the beginning comes across as arrogant and quite condescending, but when you begin to get a flavour of what he’s up against, it falls into place. It couldn’t be any more timely considering Simon Singh’s ordeal with overreaching chiropractors.

Nothing so suspect goes on in the world of condensed matter theory? Probably not intentionally, but there is always some controversy:

Ferromagnetism in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors through Defect Engineering: Li-Doped ZnO” appeared in Physical Review Letters this week. Ignoring any claims of ferromagnetism (and 609 K Curie temperatures), this paper makes an astounding claim of tunable carrier concentrations in Li-doped ZnO from n-type (0-2% Li) to p-type (4-13% Li) to insulating (> 14% Li).

As a reminder, 10 atomic percent = n(Li)/n(Zn+O+Li) = 1/10, i.e. if in the form of purely substitutional Li_Zn, around one in five zinc would be replaced by Li. Even assuming a split with 50% interstitial Li ions, one in ten zinc would be replaced. This is well beyond the solubility limit. It is a brief report, so there is no detailed structural characterisation, but one would expect quite dramatic phase separation and secondary phase formation. At such high concentrations, I would also be surprised if Li ion diffusion did not contribute to the conductivity. As for their density functional calculations, the authors (and reviewers) must have failed to notice recent literature on the need for exchange-correlation functionals beyond the GGA to describe Li incorporation into ZnO or the Zn vacancy itself (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4). If nothing else, this paper should promote some further debate.

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Mao 1972: "I voted for you during your last election"

I survived my first trip to China, which is nice, because I plan to return thanks to a visiting fellowship from the Chinese National Science Foundation. Shanghai is a wonderful city full of many contradictions: new and old; big and small; rich and poor; open and closed. Fudan University is a classic example, being one of Shanghai’s oldest universities and yet having 30-story twin towers at its centre. From spending a few days in the Physics Department, you can see a few striking differences to Western academia: a full-day group meeting on a Sunday; students working from dawn until dusk, and no coffee machine in sight! There was no shortage of good science and an honest enthusiasm for research. An inspiring place to spend some time.

The visit was well timed, as some work on defects in quaternary solar cell materials (Cu2ZnSnS4) in collaboration with Fudan University was published in Applied Physics Letters this week: a succinct distillation of some complex defect chemistry.

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Re-Render this…

An update on earlier entries on visualization tools. My requirements are structure visualization/manipulation on Windows and Mac. Here are some free programs that do the trick:


VESTA replaced VEND and VICS-II, and is a program that I use daily. Crystal structure visualization is fast and smooth,  and you are free to transform your lattice any way you wish. On top of that, 2D and 3D plotting of data-sets is simple, and you can add atomic vectors to visualize magnetic moments/phonon eigenvectors. It can read many file formats natively and is compiled for most operating systems. It will even compute Madelung energies! Room for Improvement: Surface generation and symmetry finding.

(b) Avogadro

Cross-platform, lightning fast and beautiful graphics: a code with true style. Just look at the isosurfaces on the author’s blog; made in conjunction with POVRAY. Support for both finite and infinite systems with no shortage of display settings. It even comes with a database of molecular fragments. Not yet as robust as VESTA, but it definitely has a lot of potential.  Room for Improvement: Lattice planes, symmetry finding, surface cutting, support for periodic code file formats.

(c) Aten

A Northern Irish newcomer into a not so crowded field. Taking inspiration from the wealth of excellent molecular visualization packages, Aten aims to match those functionalities and extend to periodic systems. At the moment, it performs the basics: it can import a handful of structure file formats and overlay 3D datasets. Room for Improvement: The visualization just doesn’t seem quite right: there are no options for polyedra or bond control, and the menus are a little too scattered.

(d) XCrySden

Originally aimed at Wien2K, but there are plenty of scripts around to convert VASP files and it now natively supports files from CRYSTAL and Quantum-Espresso. A very powerful program, which can automatically generate the  first Brillouin zone for your cell, display good structures and produce decent density isosurfaces. Room for Improvement: Better support for platforms other than Unix, and its speed doesn’t come close to VESTA or Avogadro.

(e) Loose ends: Codes that I installed at some stage, but have been gathering dust since: Vaspview; P4VASP; WXDragon; STRender; Lev00 (this one actually has a huge array of features, I’ve just not had the time to play in detail). VMD will do a good job visualizing dynamics, but for anything more involved in relation to periodic systems, I find it far too limited (frustrating).

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Vitamin C, Weather Control and Nuclear Fission: The Story of Physical Chemistry

My mind has a tendency to wander when I read novels, but it’s a nice way to try to wind down before sleep. This year I did relatively well with fiction, getting through The White Tiger, The Third Policeman and First Love and other Novellas. Back to non-fiction, last Christmas I received Cathedrals of Science as a gift, but it is quite weighty, so ended up staying in Dublin for nine months. I finally got around to reading it over the last few weeks, and it is quite wonderful: it provides simultaneous insights into the birth of physical chemistry and the personalities of the people behind the movement.

We (at least I) have become complacent about relying on the Nerst equation, computing an Arrhenius activation energy or using concepts of resonance, ignoring the history of the people behind them. I’m guessing that the case is worsened in organic chemistry where virtually everything is “named”. This book should be essential undergraduate reading, as it displays both the excitement of working in science as well as the humanity (fallibility) of scientists. There’s no shortage of egos, superegos and grudges that last decades. You also get some insights into the establishment of the Nobel prizes, and the politics involved makes you realize why Boris Yellnikov (Woody Allen’s charming quantum physicist) never won the prize.

On a related note, there is an equally interesting piece on Paul Dirac, in the latest issue of Physics Today.

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Wilde 1875: “It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information.”

After some head scratching trying to get VASP 5 installed on Hector (Cray XT3), I finally got a working binary. To be extended as issues arise:

Problem 1: VASP5 has a preference for the IFC compiler (once you use -heap-arrays) and the Cray machine doesn't support it.

Solution 1: Go with PGF90. On my machine "-fast -O4  -Mipa=fast,inline" runs quite well, although for some features (such as DFPT), you have to reduce the optimization level to O2 to avoid segmentation faults.

Problem 2: PGF90 (version 8.02) compiles the code, appears to run a full SCF, but dumps out with a segmentation fault before writing out the end result.

Solution 2: This problem has occurred before: ; the fix involves inserting half a dozen lines into the paw.F file to sort out some variable allocations that PGF90 doesn't appreciate. I have had no problems since. (Click for the updated paw.F file).

Problem 3: The general approach to obtain a band structure is to run an SCF calculation (on a uniform k-point grid) and then fix the potential for the band structure k-points to give a nice (and cheap) E vs k curve. With the addition of non-local exchange (hybrid DFT functionals), this doesn't work in VASP. Actually, better phrased, the calculation will run, but you will have a set of chaotic eigenvalues, as k-points are no longer independent.

Solution 3: This fix is not ideal, but it is possible to include the additional band structure k-points in the original SCF calculation, i.e. in the KPOINTS file, but with weighting zero. You pay the computational penalty of calculating the extra k-points explicitly, but they don't contribute to the potential or total energy.  It is possible to do it the traditional way in CASTEP, so hopefully this will be integrated into VASP in the near future.

Problem 4: While testing processor scaling, I noticed a strange energy drift which sometimes appears with hybrid functionals for large supercells. For a static cell SCF calculation, starting from a random wavefunction, you can converge to different total energies (> 0.1 eV per cell) at large numbers of processors (> 128 cores).

Solution 4: From looking at the total energy breakdown, the electrostatic and atomic energies are exact, but the drift arises from a combination of differences in the exchange-correlation and Hartree energies. Restarting the job, to re-converge the wavefunction appears to help. Just something to be aware of and to check, especially if you are just doing a single point energy reference, e.g. for a bulk supercell before you introduce a defect.

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