Installing ASE on Mac OSX

April 3, 2014

"ASE is an Atomistic Simulation Environment written in the Python programming language with the aim of setting up, steering, and analyzing atomistic simulations." It links to a wide variety of electronic structure packages and automates many tedious processes. Best of all it's free and open source.

There is a Homebrew installation option, but sometimes it is nice to know what you are installing. The basic starting point is a system with XCode and SciPy (following the Phonopy installation guide).

1. Feed your Python with GTK
- An "object-oriented widget toolkit" in a simple self-installing package.

2. Water your Python with Libpng
- A png reference library in a simple self-installing package.

3. Download & Link ASE
tar -zxf python-ase-
ln -s python-ase- ase
cd ase
python install --user

4. Nearly there...
- Add to your .bash_profile (with the right pathway):
export PATH=$HOME/progs/ase/tools:$PATH

5. Test (and have fun)!
mkdir tmp; cd tmp
python -c "from ase.test import test; test(verbosity=2, display=False)" 2>&1 | tee testase.log

OUTPUT: (ScriptTestCase) ... ok (ScriptTestCase) ... ok (ScriptTestCase) ... ok