The absence of regular postings isn't due to a lack of things to say, but a lack of free time.
Time management is my biggest challenge these days. I have a dozen wonderful group members, doing great research. It is a full time job just to keep up with them, and then I have to find time for my own research, presentations and the bane of all academics, bureaucracy. I am not complaining, I have never enjoyed science as much as I do now.
My research group is now focused on three areas: photovoltaic materials; metal-organic frameworks, and metastable states. Some topics, such as hybrid halide perovskites, are bridging all three themes due to the complexity of their chemistry and physics. A major driving force for our current work is temperature dependent properties (see Jonathan Skelton's pro-tip guide for Phonopy) and disorder. When I have some free time, I can be found reading some dusty statistical mechanics (one essential read) or thermal physics texts.
Time now to prepare for another trip to South Korea. This time there is a workshop between Yonsei University and the University of Bath to expand the range and depth of collaborations, followed by an exciting Royal Society collaboration with the Korean Institutes for Basic Science (to be held at Seoul National University). No doubt the next few days will pose exciting adventures in culture, food and functional materials.